Want to know what to do over the summer in Vermont? We got you covered.

March 28, 2022
With spring now upon us, then comes summer and summer activities. So, if you are looking for things to do over the summer, here are a few different opportunities that we have here in Vermont.
Governor’s Institutes of Vermont
Governor’s Institutes of Vermont are a collection of week-long immersive, hands-on learning experiences held at colleges around the state. Each institution has its own focus interest where students can curate their knowledge and skills while learning from mentors who are experts in the field. Governor’s Institutes of Vermont has sliding scale tuition, so you pay what your family can afford to attend these institutes.
Institutes: Arts, Astronomy, Engineering, Entrepreneurship: Creativity & Innovation, Environmental Science & Technology, Global Issues & Youth Action, Health & Medicine, Mathematical Sciences, Technology & Design
Cost: Sliding Scale Tuition (Pay what you can)
What is Needed for the Application:
- Contact info
- Answers for a few essay questions about yourself
- Two letters of recommendation (Either teachers or adults, you know)
Due Date for Application: April 1st
Website: https://giv.org/
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps is an organization that works on serving the community through sustainable agriculture and conservation projects. There are two different corps you can join: Food + Farm and Conservation. In Food + Farm, you work at a farm in Richmond where you learn how to take care of crops, care for livestock, and prepare and cook with veggies. In Conservation, you get to work on building new trails, maintaining existing ones, and learning how to deal with invasive species. Both of these programs are paid opportunities with the bonus of fresh produce when working at the farm.
Corps: Conservation, Farm
Stipend: $340/week
What is Needed for the Application:
- Contact info
- Three short questions
- Optional: Resume
Due Date for Application: Rolling until crews are filled
Website: https://www.vycc.org/
Agrotrek Innovation hosted by UVM & Vermont 4-H
Agortreck Innovation is a new program started by UVM & Vermont for current 7th-12th grade students to learn more about AgriScience and Biotechnology. Students stay on the UVM campus free for two weeks, where participants pick from two topics to learn from, Culturing Cells for Healthier Soils or Converting Waste into Value-Added Products.
Topics: Culturing Cells for Healthier Soils, Converting Waste into Value-Added Products
Cost: Free to Attend
What is Needed for the Application:
- Contact info
- Answers for a few short questions
Due Date for Application: April 1st
Website: https://www.uvm.edu/extension/youth/agrotek-innovation-program-7th-12th-graders
Champlain Investment Partners Summer Fellowship
Champlain Investment Partners Summer Fellowship is a virtual, interactive experience where participants learn from three topic areas: professionalism, personal finance, and asset management. You will learn about business and academic resumes, stocks, and budgeting for long-term investments. Additionally, if you attend 5 out of 7 lectures, you will receive an educational grant of $350.
Stipend: $350 Educational Grant
What is Needed for the Application:
- Contact info
- Answers for a few short questions
- Priority is given to current juniors (Seniors in Fall 2022)
Due Date for Application: May 30th
Website: https://fellows.cipvt.com/